The great RS 3 guide about play the new user interface

Once you have become accustomed to the new operational plan in RuneScape 3, it’s time to play the new user interface options.


First, in a small map. The damn thing for so long, has been sitting on top of the bottom right corner, and particularly useful. I’ll click on it automatically moves the place, but it is so small and difficult to read, I often ignored it. Now you can drag small map anywhere you want to make it much larger. This means that not only is the map easier to read and use, but you can also click on the small map area, you can not front, you can automatically itinerary. It really is convenient for those times when you’re through a city with its own way to compete or shopping areas. I tend to be almost entirely by clicking on the small map, so this is a terrible discovery.


Next, try to use the middle mouse wheel to zoom in and. Under normal circumstances, you would have to hold down the middle mousebutton or use the arrow keys to move around the camera to take a closer look at things, but generally are not very effective zoom in and out. Now you can further zoom in closer, so you can finally take a look at the new darling of armor or a new friend. It brings a whole new world, we always know where the level of detail, but not completely accessible.


The most interesting is when you get playing a UI arrangement. You can change the size of any window, which means that you can finally have you always wanted, massive chat window, or in my case, the fragment ITTY chat window, I’ve always wanted. Hover your mouse over the shortcut menu brings several options, but now you can grab any one of these options – that is, your stock or skill window – tear off the shortcut bar, and place it anywhere you want want. This means that you can have almost all the windows open, as long as you want, a fantastic selection grinding out skills, manage inventory, or want ready access to equipment or information to the people. I especially like to have a task window opens when I saw I might need to take the next step.


You can also exchange window, which means that you can switch to an open window to another, once you see the sign exchange, you can let them exchange places. Those times when you have a great layout, but want to switch information, but not the position of the two windows, which is very convenient. If you want to integrate Windows to a window, just one percent. It’s simple and works perfectly. The whole thing can be locked, once you have it laid out to prevent accidental swaps or adjustments.


It may seem almost silly, many UI improvements, and now, you will find in other online games for many years so excited, but Jagex go more than a few steps, and even modern games. Options, RuneScape there are many games that are a quarter of its age will be a good improvement. These new improvements, bringing new life to old games and help consolidate its security in the future MMO games.

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